??? HUH ???
I can't imagine, if you were to do a report, and you put in the description as per what the invoice had indicated, would you not understand what is the nature of the invoice? Will it be the same thing if the description were to tell your that 1) Deployment of Consultants and 2) Elimination of Mainframe Project??
Would you think these two descriptions pertain to the same project or it is 2 separate projects?? Going by the description, I would have thought that it is 2 separate projects but my supervisor can still come over to my workstation to double check with me if they belong to the same project. Perhaps we should call the company who bill us and have a teleconference to clarify if it is the same project... I am sure that 2 weeks down the road, he will be back and asking the same question again. "Are they relating to the same project??"
Please, you are my supervisor, I believe that this is something easily comprehend by someone your level. If you are that unsure of things, we can always call up the Consulting company to clarify things. It is better for you and me. I would not need to remind you that we had the same discussion 2 weeks ago when you next ask me.
I know that it is mean of me to complain about him early in the morning but this is not the first itme he is asking the same question. I seriously don't know if it is because 1) he simply don't get it, 2) he simply can't be bother (he is only attached to this department for 9 months max before he goes to another department or 3) he is simply forgetful...
At 2:17 PM, September 19, 2005,
Jeni said…
Hi Katrina, thanks for reading my blog. it is mainly just my ramblings about my daily on-goings and stuff happening in my life... do leave me your blog address. I will drop by and read yours... wants to know more about steel buildings.
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