Taurus & Leo

This is a Place for me to give vent to my frustrations and my thoughts for the day...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Putting on pressure

I did a mean thing last night...

That Indian supervisor had been holding on to the account distribution again this month, for a whole week, since last Monday. I had told him that I need the distribution by Wednesday last week. He said no problem. By Thursday, he told me that he will send it to me soon. Friday, I was sick and nothing is on my desk on Monday morning. I can't find him the whole of Monday.

Finally I send him an email and copy my boss and the other boss that we may miss the due date for payment as we don't have the information we need to raise PR. By 8.14pm, he send out all the account distributions by email.

I really can't tolerate the way he just delay passing on information that I need to get my part of the work done. It is not that I don't give him time to go through the invoices, he had one whole week to do that but he just don't want to give it to me until I send an email out.

It had been going on for 2 months already. Except for one month when he is early, practically every month, I have to chase and chase, very soon, I can apply for any Accounts Receivable job posting because I am getting good at chasing for stuff. Should be good at chasing for payment too...hahaha....


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