Taurus & Leo

This is a Place for me to give vent to my frustrations and my thoughts for the day...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Finally got my Harry Potter

Finally went down to Kino on Friday night to get my copy of Harry Potter. Had placed the advance order in June but had missed going over to Kino on the 16th after my checkup because I thought that it is not out yet.

Left a few more chapters to go before finishing the book. Then I can start on the other 2 books that I bought... Boy, it is hard to follow a series... especially when the author had already written quite a few books of the series when you start to read her books. Trying to limit myself to buying 1 or 2 at most each time when I get the books but there is still a whole lot of them that I need to get before I even get to her latest. Nevermind, I shall do it slowly, pace my reading, will have a lot of time to do my reading towards end of the year.

Couldn't sleep again last night. Stayed awaked till nearly 2am... expect myself to be falling asleep later in the afternoon. Yawning away now, need to go for a walk soon to wake myself up.....Expect it to be a slow slow day again today...


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