Taurus & Leo

This is a Place for me to give vent to my frustrations and my thoughts for the day...

Friday, July 08, 2005

Fat Finger's blog...

Managed to come across this interesting blog this morning... called ihavefatfingers... it is a good read and managed to read all her entries within a day. Another good one is call blackhighheels.... both are recommended by mr miyagi...

Believe that I will go through a few more blogs to search for interesting reads... Slow day for me at work today. Finished all my reports this morning and that's it. Ever since I move over to this new division, work had really slowed down. Not that I am complaining but sometimes you will be bored out of your mind with nothing to keep you occupied.

I can see my Temporary supervisor walking to and fro to the accounting department but he had been doing that since before I join this new division. Basically he had no one to talk to over here so he will walk over to look for his "kakis" to talk about work.

When I asked him if there is anything that he needs me to do. He will say something like.."Yes, there is a contract that I need to read and digest before I can let you know what type of worksheet I need you to give me. That was one month ago. Till date, he have not start reading the contract as yet. But I can see that he is very busy, walking to and fro to Accounting department.Or is he just spying on me to see what I am doing??? Lucky for me, over at the new division, we are sitting in high partition workstations so it is not so easy to peep over my shoulders to see what I am doing.

There he goes again, walking by my work station. I can time when he will be walking back to his work station. In approximately 3 minutes time. That is how far Accounting is from our work stations. See, he had just pass by my work station to go to his work station.

This is how boring work is now.Once I reached office, I will be thinking of lunch. After lunch, I will be thinking of tea because by then, it will be close to 5.30 and I will leave the office for home.

Today is designated as Document Clearing day in the office so all of us are encouraged to clear all old documents. There are special bins for us to place the documents for shredding and destroying. Whichever divisions' bins weighs the heaviest, win a prize, too bad, I had junked most of my documents when I moved to the new division. Can't contribute to the division's bin for them to win the competition this time but next time I will contribute. Just give me some time to accumulate my papers...hahaha.... occupation hazard, use to keep documents for at least 3 years before I junk them.

OK, need to go search for more new blogs to read...


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