Taurus & Leo

This is a Place for me to give vent to my frustrations and my thoughts for the day...

Thursday, February 02, 2006


That's my toe you stepped on...

I really don't understand, is it because you were wearing thick soles or you have absolutely no feelings on your feet. Didn't you realised that you had stepped on something. Even if you didn't realised, I am sure that you heard my "ouch".

Does it cost you a lot of just to turn around to say a quick "sorry"?? I will be contented just to hear a quick "sorry" from you because I believe that you didn't do it intentionally.

My toes were stepped on this morning when I am on the bus. Not the first time and won't be the last. It is not that I will scold the person who did that because I knew that the bus were crowded. An apology would be nice.

Yesterday, my shoulder was hit by a haversack. The bus was moving and you need to move to the back of the bus but, like I say, a quick sorry is nice.

Courtesy seems to be dead among the young these days. Is it that hard to say sorry when you had bumped into another person? Or is that why there are so many staring incidents among you people. Having bumped into someone but just don't admit it and apologise. You would rather stare and try to intimidate the other person to look away so that you would not need to apologise?? Even if you were in the wrong??

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't stared at but ... people do try to out-stare each other when they are in the wrong.

Crappy way to start my morning. Made myself a cup of mocha when I reached the office. Need to jumpstart my system as I am still feeling sleepy even though I slept early last night.


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