Taurus & Leo

This is a Place for me to give vent to my frustrations and my thoughts for the day...

Friday, October 28, 2005

Had a scare yesterday.....

Had a scare yesterday... It all started on Wednesday night, noticed that my feet had swell considerably but thinking that it is ok till mum commented whether it can be cause for concern... pre-eclampsia... it is hypertension that develops in the last trimester. I remember telling mum that it should be ok as I don't have this for the first 2 pregnancies so I shouldn't have it now.

But imagine my horror when I woke up on Thursday morning to find that the swelling had become more pronounced. My skin really felt that it is all stretched out and can't be stretched anymore. Puffy looking with wiggly toes. Don't look nice and my concern factor went up a few more notches. Decided to go see my Gyn just in case it is serious. (Anyway, I am suppose to see her this Saturday)

Arrived there and surprisingly there isn't much patients. Saturdays are a nightmare, it is so crowded that I will always try to be the first few there, which means I have to arrive slightly before 8.30am to be the first few patients of the day. Have to do my CTG... monitoring of the baby heartbeat first before I see my Gyn. Sat there for about 15 to 20 minutes, reading a magazine. Then went for my check up. First remark from my Gyn is ... I looked bigger than I was 3 weeks ago. That is good news, considering that I only put on about 1.6kg from the last check up. Checked me and told me that no, I don't have Pre-eclampsia. Felt so relieve after that. The swelling is most probably due to water retention, so got MC to rest at home and put up my feet to see if the swelling goes down.

Luckily, by this morning, the swelling had gone down, doesn't look as swollen as before. So it is back to work.

3 more hours till end of the work day... can't wait....


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