Grumpy Tuesday
Sigh, not in the best of moods today.
Received a request to compile another report once I step into in the office. I don't really mind that except the boss put both my name and my supervisor's name on the email. Naturally, now the report had evolved to 3 and more variations of the original report. I absolutely LOVE the way my sup evolve the reports that he needs me to prepare. From the 1st original report that I pass to him, he will need another few variations of it, just in case. Just is case of what, don't ask me as I don't think it is productive to produce more reports in different variations for a "Just in case" situation.
James had asked me a few times how people like my sup can survive in my company, it is easy. It all boils down to have that piece of all important paper -- a degree.
So long as you have that piece of paper, you seems to be able to do no wrong.
Take for instance, there is this girl in my division. Her dad had passed away sometime in August, if I am not mistaken, due to some complications that the hospital had caused... that is according to her side of the story. In September, she request for 1 month's no pay leave from my boss. She just went into the boss' office to let him know that she wants to take 1 month's no pay leave on a Friday. The following week, boss flew off for his home leave for 1 week. She did not turn up for work. Boss came back and was upset that she just went on leave without his agreement/approval?? So called her back to the office and spoke to her, her excuse, she is too depress to work for the time being and she needs to see the lawyer to handle the lawsuit against the hospital.
Boss told her to be back by the next week to start work. 3rd week, Monday, she just called in to say that she needs more time. Didn't turn up for work the entire week. Told her that she must be back by the following week. Same thing happened again. She just called back to office and say that she needs more time.
Given this situation to another person who is not holding that all important piece of paper, I believe that a letter would have been send to his/her house to tell that person, "you can stay home for all you want". But not in this case, no action is being taken against this girl till date. I am sure that even when it is time for her annual appraisal this matter will not be brought up. That is how unfair it is.
Was sleepy this morning due to the cooling weather as it had rained all night but due to the lack of leave days left, will not be taking any leave this month. Maybe next month for that extra long weekend, I will be tempted to take leave then....
At 4:09 PM, October 04, 2005,
Jeni said…
Hi, I won't mind you linking my blog to yours. What is your blog address? Can I pop by to take a look?
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