Taurus & Leo

This is a Place for me to give vent to my frustrations and my thoughts for the day...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Shitty customer service from my outsource company

You know, that outsource company that my company employs to look after our benefits really sucks big time....

In March, I discover an error in my benefits statement, I called them up and let them know about it, they send a revised softcopy to me to show me that they have updated their records.

Today, when I received my Quarterly Reimbursement statement, what do I see..... they have included the "additional" purchase of an item that I had told them about and they "had" removed in March, reflected in my statement again.

I really don't understand, if you have updated your system, why is it still showing that I have spent the money.

Spent the day at SOX training today. Didn't know that there are so many new things to do for SOX this year. Have not really seen the list of to do for my processes but I heard that I have got more new process to write up this year. First due date is in 2 months' time.

Hopefully I can get all the process written up by then,


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