Last few days of maternity leave
Have been resting at home for the last 12 weeks, it is relaxing and a good time to bond with Joelle. Can see that she is quite attached to me nowadays. I was actually quite worried when Amy left because she was so closed to her but surprisingly, she seems to take it rather well and just grew closer to her older siblings and me and even her papa...
She will take our hands and lead us to the sterlizer if she wants her milk or to the bedroom if she wants her nap. Joelle still can't really speak as yet but she understands everything that we say to her... it is either she is lazy or she is slow as the few words that she is saying is mum mum for food, please if she wants you to give her food and as usual her hugs and kisses if she thinks that you will bring her out and go to the coffeeshop for drinks and more food.
she knows which shoes belongs to who and will take the shoes and follow that person if that person is slow in getting ready to leave the house. It had happen to me several times, not that I am slow but I need to make sure that her things are in the bag before we leave.
12 weeks of leave seems to pass so fast. In the beginning, time seems to go rather slowly, all I wish is for my confinement to be over. Once it was over, time just seems to speed pass me everyday. I think it is also due to the fact that I am waking up at about 9 or 10 everyday but that is because in the early weeks, Jordan needs his milk every 2 hours or so (breastfed babies get hungry very fast and Jordan seems to be extra fast), after switching him over to the bottle, I get some rest as his feeding time had stretched to about 3 hours and now it is about 4 hours or so.
Next step will be to try to get him to sleep through the night after the last feed. I am still waking up at odd hours at night to feed him depending on when his last feed is taken. It may be 2, 3 or 4am. This morning is an improvement as he woke up and wants to be fed at 6am. Uninterrupted sleep for the night. Bliss......
Some recent pictures of Jordan...
Jasper, Jordan and Joelle....
At 3:24 PM, November 11, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Interesting to know.
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